the other day i had a pms all day kinda day. irritating, sweaty, back hurting, stomach aching, ANNOYING kind of day. and after several research tactics – applying my use of bodybuilding.com to the best of my ability, it’s time to seriously kick my ass.

a few months ago, i was all up on a health kick – watched every bite i put in my mouth, went to the gym rather religiously – SIGNED UP FOR A GOLD MEMBERSHIP.. and now, i’m feeling fat and bulky and womp, as much as i love food and hate working out, i’m altering my methods and eating as often and as healthy throughout the day as possible – NO JUNK FOOD. PLEASE NO JUNK FOOD. and just water, all i want is to be consuming H2O instead of the sugary, artificial crud.

i hate this.

but i know for 200+infinity% that i will feel better by the end of this stupid turnout.

i’m gna do it.

flatten my tummy & lose my thighs.

wait and see……

any tips? nutritional? exercises for a lady that has nearly no time for herself? lemme kno!

finer than an expensive wine.

as a little girl, i grew up amongst a group of amazing people – you could call us a clique – we call ourselves family, and although most of us are not blood related, the tight-knitness will be strong, through better or worse.

people change, perspectives change, times change, and it’s so hard to keep things as they used to, but who says they have to be as they were?

last night felt really nice, very reassuring to the ideal of my cravings as an adult. it sounds weird, but i have a gut feeling that no matter how often we keep in touch or not – we’ll always pick up where we left off, at least i hope so.


on another note, i’m going away on vacation in SEVEN DAYS! i can’t wait!! i’m so excited! woohoo!

what happens when you’re living in your future

i’m on my something-th hour of work today, wednesdays through saturdays are fun, generally they’re my doubles, and i can’t say that i mind it all too much. my days consist of mingling with the strangers that enter my home, with patrons that for the most part, have become friendlier than strangers, the fact that i live in a restaurant used to feel so glass half empty, yet the older i get, the more i appreciate it i think. through the years that i’ve spent here, maybe even just sitting, listening, eating – not doing anything at all, i’ve seen so much, heard so much, learned so much. i am super grateful in a way – maybe not to the moon and back, because it is a marriage that both my parents took on, they literally work 24/7 – non stop, all the time. thinking and working and creating. and that might be the one thing i would change about living in a restaurant, if i could of course, maybe one day.. maybe one day.

but anyway, as i’m sitting here, thinking about how many posts i have written, after not writing a while.

generally – it’s an “I’M BACK” post, today, i’m just going with the flow – i missed writing.

and i missed reading as well…. i’ve just reread some posts from 2010 and it’s truly amazing what this blog does for me, it’s like a time capsule of all things annakay

the good and the bad, and i like it, i like it alot.

my life recently has been beyond words amazing. i’m in the best place in my life that i have been to this day, and it’s been like this for almost 10 months. TEN MONTHS. thats almost a year. almost 365 days that i’ve been ear to ear in smiles.. granted some days shit hits the fan a little, but sooner than later my smile is back, thanks to a very very special someone of course.

you’ve already met him through the previous entries i have posted. he is gentle, and warm, and strong, and smart, and funny, and tough and sexy and more and better than a man that i would personally design. not a minute goes by without him crossing my mind.

life is good.

as of right now, i am managing my family’s restaurant, i am living day by day, no worries.

my degree came in the other day – i’m nervous to touch it, i mean, it’s the most expensive paper that i’ll ever own. pfft. i can’t wait to hear from my grad schools. i’m ready to conquer my classes and get that masters degree. sooner than later. fo’ sho’.